Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Practical 1


Mock DialogueSituation: The situation is that one of the speakers has spoken on the topic " India shining" and he/she is discussing the same with the other.
Participants : Harshdeep Singh (S2) & Manmeet Kaur(S1).

S1 : So I think that India is truly heading for a golden future and one day it will once again be called Golden Sparrow.

S2 : Can it really happen!!!!! Can India regain its lost glory! I mean will India shine in future and be called Golden sparrow again?

S1 :Well my friend I am really shocked! Students like you are asking such questions? If a country having immense talent can't progress and shine then who will?
India has made significant progress in the field of science & technology. This development would help India to achieve a respectable position as a prosperous member of the global community.

S2 :But even after 60 year of independence, India is not in a position to provide basic amenities namely proper roads,water supply , health and sanitation facilities!!!!

S1 : Perhaps you have missed our president's speech in which she has laid stress on providing the citizens of India all the basic amenities.

S2 :O.K!! thats right, even the prime minister in his speech on the independence day said the same but these are just plans which fail to deliver.It is a pity that in an agrarian economy like India even after five decades of planning debt ridden farmer is preffering death.

S1 :Well in order to help such farmers, Prime Minister has assured in his speech that interest rates will be slashed and duration to repay the loans will also be increased. Moreover to uplift the standard of higher education he has suggested to open more central institutes :IIT's, IIM's in various states of the country.

S2 :What is the fun of funding high standard tertiary level institutes when on the other hand over 32000 schools are without a student or a teacher.

S1 :Well my friend why are you not accepting the fact that India, world,s largest democracy is an emerging power of 21 century. Perhaps you don't know that India's economy has become bigger than Russia's and the country has more super rich people than Japan!!!

S2 :I agree but these policies are making rich richer and on the other hand poor people are struggling to keep body and soul together. According to me the neglect of the poor and needy in our country is perhaps the greatest single threat of survival in this 60th year of independence.

S1 :Let me elaborate India has come a long way from being a metaphor for poverty to being recognized as the 10 trillion economy in the world. Today only about 22%of the people are below the poverty line as compared to more than 50% in 1971.

S2 :What that means is that at the present rate of progress, it will take us to 2020-35 before we get rid of absolute poverty and that is quite a long way to go.

S1 :What you are telling might be true.Yes, the need of the hour is good and dedicated administrators, doctors and engineers which can help redesign and implement new policies and help in nation's progress. Although they are being produced in our country but rather than serving the nation they are preffering to go abroad in search of better prospects.

S2 :There is a reason behind this brain drain. They respect our talent and potential but in India there is only discrimination, exploitation and harassment. People here don't believe in work culture and corruption has paralyzed whole system and it exists in each and every department.

S1 :Nothing gets done without social backing. The opportunity is there asking us to rise to it. The best tribute we can pay to those who laid down their lives for our independence is to turn this land into o focus of international envy in development and prosperity. All that is required at this stage is the zeal and commitment of everyone to the progress of India , which we are always proud of!!

1 comment:

This is who I am said...

did u remember all of that conversation ??..
well reall nice thoaght provoking, though s2 had stronger points but s1 somehow managed to brk even :P ...